Economic, Regeneration Tourism and Transport  


Project Development Fund

Project Scoping & Budget Holder Approval Form




NYC Area Constituency Committee Name

Scarborough and Whitby

Project Name

Pannett Art Gallery Extension

Description of Project Location

The Pannett Art Gallery is located in Pannett Park and shares a building with Whitby Museum. Whitby, YO21 1RE

NYC Division(s) in which the project is located

Whitby West Cliff

Project Lead Officer Details


Kerry Levitt

Job Title

Regeneration Projects Officer






Please outline why the budget is required and what are the current barriers to project development it will help overcome?



In order to take forward the Pannett Art Gallery extension project, Whitby Town Council (WTC) need to complete a RIBA Stage 3 design report and a Full Business Case, this would put them in a position to submit for planning consent and applications to funding bodies for the cost of the capital works for the project.


At the present time, there are no other identified funding pots that could potentially cover this work and WTC do not have the budget to deliver themselves.


Any funding secured will help WTC move a step forward to delivery of the project.


Please detail what specific costs the budget will be spent on?


The budget would contribute towards consultancy / architect services to produce a RIBA Stage 3 design report and a Full Business Case.

Please describe the future project that this activity will help to unlock.


The Pannett Art Gallery extension project will provide additional facilities and floorspace helping to balance culture, leisure and tourism activity more evenly across the town. The project will include improved display provision, educational and study areas for learning activities, and a Government Indemnity Scheme approved space to enable the loan and display of works from national collections, a contemporary/photography gallery, enhanced collections storage. Café / restaurant provision, improved retail facilities and outdoor space for external exhibitions and performances.



Detail how the project will contribute to the North Yorkshire Council ‘Council Plan’ and the Economic Growth Strategy or the Destination Management Plan


(Reference should be made on how a future project will help deliver the respective strategies)



The Pannett Park Art Gallery extension contributes to the Council’s Place and Environment and Economy ambitions.


The project will achieve this by investing in arts and cultural assets which play a key role in the economic growth of the County and is a top priority for the Council for more people to participate in cultural activity improving health and wellbeing.


The project will diversify Whitby’s tourism offer and capitalise on increasing domestic tourism. The extension will be built to environmentally friendly sustainable standards which contributes to a clean, environmentally sustainable place to live, work and visit and reduce its carbon footprint.


The improvements to the surrounding outdoor space of the gallery will promote the county as a beautiful place to live and visit and will preserve the park for future generations.



Detail how this project meets local priorities including linkages with local regeneration plans and strategies.

The Pannett Park Art Gallery extension was included within the Town Investment Plan for Whitby and serves Objective Two: Build Beacons of Excellence across the town in skills, arts and wellbeing.


‘Spaces of excellence will be created under this objective which confirm Whitby as a town of regional and national importance. The Whitby beacons will represent a set of high impact interventions which will provide the facilities and infrastructure to ensure that Whitby becomes a vibrant home for the arts, for creative practitioners and for academic institutions.’


It was wholly supported by the Whitby Town Deal Board. However, due to a reduced funding offer from the Department of Levelling up it was not affordable to be taken forward within this funding programme.


Will the service area be making a financial contribution to the project development costs?  If so, please detail.


Whitby Town Council do not currently have any budget available in order to be able to contribute to the fee required for a consultant/architecture service.

Please confirm the amount of money required.


Please provide a breakdown of costs / estimates where available and how these have been calculated.


The capital works of the Pannett Art Gallery extension project was costed at £3,028,034 in 2022.


The consultant / architect fee would be approx. 8% of the capital cost of the project. 


This would put the estimate of the RIBA Stage 3 report / Full Business Case at circa £242,242.




What is the staffing resource within NYC required / how will it be resourced?


Has the capacity to complete the activity been confirmed with the relevant service manager?


Dependencies on other NYC services


Whitby Town Council would be responsible for overseeing the delivery of the work. 


They would require procurement support to ensure they followed correct procedures and possibly release the tender through the Council’s framework. 


The Parks and Gardens service would also have an input into the project.


There is currently no capacity within Regeneration North and East to support Whitby Town Council. However, the service is currently undergoing its restructure so this may change.


Please outline the anticipated timeframe for delivery of the activity?


Please include details of how the activity will be procured (if required).


Whitby Town Council would either need to follow an open tender procedure or utilise NYCs procurement service to release the tender through the YorConsult framework.


Procurement could take up to 6months to complete.


To complete a RIBA Stage 3 report and Full Business Case would take 3-4months.



Can the proposed work to be funded delivered within the allocated financial year?

If the full costs for the consultant/architecture service were found, the work could be delivered within the current financial year depending on how quickly procurement of the consultants was undertaken.

How will progress and the outcome of the project be reported to the ACC to aid effective monitoring?



What are the benefits of undertaking this work now?


What opportunities / estimated economic, social or environmental  benefits could be derived for the future project outlined above?



If the work was undertaken now, it would put Whitby Town Council in a position to apply for any future funding pots that are announced e.g. future rounds of the Cultural Development Fund.



The future project would deliver the following benefits;


  • Secure the future and sustainability of Pannett Art Gallery
  • Secure and enhance the future of the arts sector
  • Increased use of a cultural and art facility
  • Improved access to culture and art for residents
  • Increased learning opportunities
  • Increased revenue for the Pannett Art Gallery
  • Improved perceptions of place
  • Improved economic prosperity in the local area.
  • Diversified tourism offer
  • Reduction in carbon footprint
  • Increased footfall to the west side of Whitby
  • Improved health and wellbeing of local people
  • Increase aspiration of residents.



ACC Meeting Date When Project Scope Agreed


Draft Minute Number



(ACC Chairman)






Using the details in the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund Guidance Note please comment on how the proposed project meets the identified criteria for the Fund.


Project Name





Project Details



Strategic Fit




Local Fit








Delivery, Timescales and Monitoring







Evaluation Completed By





Job Title









NYC Area Constituency Committee


Project Name


Lead Officer


Requested Budget Allocated?

Yes / No








Job Title

